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Jeff Poor | November 9, 2010

All this extra money being printed and put in the global economy, including the recent moves by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke to implement another round of quantitative easing, also known as QE2, has consequences.


Jeff Poor | November 8, 2010

Moves by the Federal Reserve and its chairman Ben Bernanke for a second round of quantitative easing, otherwise known as QE2, have many warning the long-term viability of the U.S. dollar is in jeopardy. But according to the Fed’s view – it’s…

BMI Staff | November 4, 2010

See Executive Summary

The Obama administration is trying its best to ram a health care reform bill through Congress by July 31. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., announced on July 16 that he hopes to see a Senate bill passed…

BMI Staff | November 4, 2010

See Full Report

President Barack Obama wants a health care reform plan by August and the news media are doing their part to make it happen. ABC, CBS and NBC have boosted the administration’s case with sad stories about children…

Julia A. Seymour | November 4, 2010

The Republicans took back control of the House of Representatives on Nov. 2, gaining more seats than the “Republican Revolution” of 1994. But the Democrats still have the majority for the lame duck session and there is plenty of legislation…

Dan Gainor | November 4, 2010

Congratulations to the GOP, which just trounced both Democrats and liberal journalists alike.

There’s only one hitch: Somebody hit the reset button and everything started over again like the movie “Groundhog Day.” The campaign for 2012…

Dan Kennedy | November 4, 2010

By my schedule necessities, I’m writing this on Sunday, right before election night knowing you’ll see it afterwards. And if I’m going to give you old news, I might as well make it really old:

“Designed especially for city and suburban…

Dan Gainor | November 3, 2010

SidebarsFire and Ice: Executive SummaryU.S. Funds Nearly $4 Billion in Climate-Change ResearchThe Times Warms to CoolingAl Gore: Still Hot for Global WarmingClimate Change: Unpredictable Results

      It was five years before the turn of…

Dan Gainor | November 3, 2010

SidebarsFire and Ice:  Full ReportU.S. Funds Nearly $4 Billion in Climate-Change ResearchThe Times Warms to CoolingAl Gore: Still Hot for Global WarmingClimate Change: Unpredictable Results

    Thanks to the release of Al Gore’s latest…

Jeff Poor | November 2, 2010

For the second day in a row, CNBC is embracing Rick Santelli for being the father of the Tea Party movement, when just a year ago the network seemed to be shying away from it.

On Nov. 2, the day of the 2010 midterm elections, CNBC’s “…

Jeff Poor | October 29, 2010

With the elections looming, one of the centerpieces of the news coverage has been on the Tea Party movement and the types of candidates they’re putting forth. But is that where the focus should be?

According to CNBC CME Group reporter…

Julia A. Seymour | October 29, 2010

If you’re an average middle-class person thinking of voting for a conservative on Nov. 2, the liberal website Huffington Post thinks you’ve been “brainwashed.” It’s the only explanation blogger and author Myriam Miedzian could come up with for…

Jeff Poor | October 29, 2010

By many measures, the Republicans are only expected to gain eight seats in the upcoming midterm elections, which would not be enough the GOP to wrestle control away from the Democrats in the new Congress in 2011. But is there another way?

Jeff Poor | October 27, 2010

There have been allegations waged that many so-called Tea Party candidates running under the flag of the Republican Party are accepting campaign contributions from secretive shady sources that could interfere with the American democratic process…

Dan Gainor | October 27, 2010

Spinning the Numbers When Conservatives in Charge: During the year leading up to the 2005-06 mid-term elections, the economy was strong and unemployment never went above 5 percent. That wasn’t how the media reported it. Negative reports and…

Gary Wolfram, Ph.D. | October 27, 2010

This election is about more than who controls the Senate and House of Representatives. It is an election that gives us the chance to examine the “ideal of freedom.” The late Nobel Laureate, Friedrich Hayek, wrote about in his 1960 book, The…

Dan Kennedy | October 27, 2010

I have just returned from a week in London. The food was gray, weather grayer, and their economy bleak, dark and foreboding.

Their coalition government’s hastily cobbled together “austerity program” became a big U.S. news item while I was…

Jeff Poor | October 26, 2010

The potentially historic midterm elections are a week away and left-wing voices  are getting more shrill and paranoid than ever before.

On CNBC’s Oct. 26 “The Call,” left-wing talker and frequent MSNBC guest Mike Papantonio went on a…

Jeff Poor | October 25, 2010

The Washington, D.C. establishment finds it disturbing that there is a brand of non-elite political hopefuls running in races across the country this election year.

David Gregory explored this notion with the so-called “father of the Tea…

Dan Gainor | October 20, 2010

Elections bring out the best and worst in politics. For the left, looking ahead at the possible loss of both houses of Congress, they’ve gone from the best of times to the worst of times in record time. The Democratic Election Attackers/Defenders…