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Dan Gainor | February 16, 2011

Politicians will promise just about anything to get elected. They might offer a chicken in every pot or even vow to end wars in places like Iraq or Afghanistan. That's just marketing. But once they get elected, we expect them to be honest.

Julia A. Seymour | February 10, 2011

-The coal industry not only gets attacked by the media for being a "dirty" fossil fuel, it rarely gets positive coverage because the networks focus on disasters. Since Jan. 1, 2010, nearly 80 percent of the broadcast network stories about coal…

Dan Gainor | February 10, 2011

Arianna Huffington's crazy left-wing, pro-Democrat website gets bought out by AOL for $315 million. Professional Angry Man Keith Olbermann follows up by joining Al Gore's deservedly unknown Current TV effort. Before that, decrepit Newsweek was…

Dan Kennedy | February 10, 2011

President Obama gave two recent speeches to business groups and sat for an interview that included questions about his relationship with the U.S. business community. What he said in those instances again demonstrated his rare combination of…

Julia A. Seymour | February 4, 2011

Jobs are heading up and down at the same time. The Bureau of Labor Statistics announced the morning of Feb. 4 that only 36,000 jobs were added in the month of January, but the unemployment rate dropped from 9.4 percent to 9.0 percent.


Dan Gainor | February 2, 2011

Snow! Ice! Cold! They sweep the land in what media types call "wild weather" or a storm so bad it could "bury" the Midwest and New England. In winter no less. Shocking! Sounds more like a SyFy Channel triple feature than an…

Julia A. Seymour | February 2, 2011

Feb. 6, 2011 will be the 100th anniversary of President Ronald Reagan's birth. The Business & Media Institute seeks to remember his legacy with this video.

Julia A. Seymour | January 31, 2011

Despite the fact that the mainstream media failed to take the ClimateGate scandal seriously, booksellers have taken notice. One book that arrived on bookstore shelves and display tables in January 2011 was 'Climate of Corruption: Politics and…

Dan Kennedy | January 28, 2011

The New York Times recently quoted Mayor Don Plusquelic of Akron, Ohio, in an article about city mayors contemplating and threatening bankruptcy as the only way out of their monster deficits - save, of course, an Obama bail-out.

"Let me go…

Dan Gainor | January 26, 2011

She is the Queen of All Media, a woman so successful she has her own TV show, her own magazine, $2.7 billion in the bank, a book club that can make any author a best seller and now her own TV network. And, conveniently, she also has a 'secret'…

Julia A. Seymour | January 21, 2011

Consumers beware, the Environmental Protection Agency is "poised to approve higher levels of corn-based ethanol in gasoline." Since drivers have already experienced the pain of higher gas prices as well as witnessed global food riots because of…

Dan Kennedy | January 19, 2011

California has: endless beaches, Hollywood and the TV and movie industry, Disney, tourism, at least one military base that pops to mind, luxury retail, full to capacity rehab facilities popular with celebrities, Los Angeles, San Diego and San…

Dan Gainor | January 12, 2011

It was inevitable. After spending several days following the Tucson massacre working to curtail the 1st Amendment, the left and the media are now targeting the 2nd. As always, they have help from either those legitimately concerned for their…

Dan Kennedy | January 12, 2011

When former Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel advised never letting a crisis go to waste - as political opportunity - he might have added tragedy as well.

The blood had barely dried on the sidewalk at Jan. 8's Tucson Tragedy before the…

Dan Gainor | January 5, 2011

The Constitution takes center stage. Politicians have fleeting dreams of fiscal responsibility. Legislators envision a rollback of ObamaCare and the rest of the left's short-lived socialist agenda.

Here comes the Tea Party Congress. If…

Julia A. Seymour | January 5, 2011

So much for New Year resolutions. Liberal economic columnist Paul Krugman's policy prescriptions haven't changed.

In his latest column, printed in the Jan. 3 New York Times, Krugman continued to advocate New Deal-era solutions to bring…

Dan Gainor | December 22, 2010

More than nine out of 10 Americans celebrate Christmas - even atheists, agnostics or believers in other faiths, according to surveys by LifeWay Research and USA TODAY/Gallup. They might be roasting chestnuts over an open fire, decking the halls…

Dan Gainor | December 15, 2010

When Barack Obama took over, the one thing we were assured of was that the adults were back in charge. The media hated George W. Bush and lampooned his speech or his malapropisms. With Obama, we got the steady, academic hand that came from ……

Julia A. Seymour | December 15, 2010

Federal court judge Henry Hudson ruled on Dec. 13, that the enforcement mechanism of ObamaCare - the individual mandate - was unconstitutional.

Hudson wrote, "The unchecked expansion of congressional power to the limits suggested by the…

Julia A. Seymour | December 10, 2010

If there was any doubt left about the anti-capitalist aims of global warming alarmists, Bolivian President Evo Morales quashed it with his Dec. 9 speech at the Cancun climate summit.

Morales blamed capitalist climate policies for '…