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Paul Wilson | June 23, 2011

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Wal-Mart on June 20, saying that the hundreds of thousands of women who filed a class-action lawsuit against the retail giant hadn't proved the company has a "nationwide policy" that led to discrimination.…

Dan Gainor | June 23, 2011

John Lennon once wrote "all you need is love." If that's the case, then GOP unknown Jon Huntsman will be the next president of the United States.

The quasi-Republican former ambassador to China is finding the media environment filled with…

Paul Wilson | June 17, 2011

Once again, a national news outlet has sided with borrowers against lenders. This time it was CBS "Evening News" which interviewed families going into "strategic default" on June 16.CBS defined those terms as a practice in which "people with…

Dan Kennedy | June 16, 2011

Last week Charlie Cook, the usually carefully spoken and reasonable political pundit frequently seen on MSNBC, may have revealed something dark about himself with this comment about Sarah Palin: "She's making more money than God ever intended her…

Dan Gainor | June 16, 2011

Journalism is the "the first rough draft of history," former Washington Post President and Publisher Philip Graham reportedly said. If that's true, the history won't be very kind to conservatives.

It's not news that most of the old media…

Julia A. Seymour | June 10, 2011

Even liberals are starting to notice that the economic "recovery" President Obama and the media claimed was happening, isn't. So perhaps it's no surprise that Henry Blodget and economics editor Dan Gross of Yahoo! Finance tried to find a way to…

Dan Gainor | June 9, 2011

Welcome to "recovery summer." Oops, that was last year when journalists told us that prosperity was just around the corner.We turned that corner and took a huge left, but the economy didn't. It went south. Now, the greatest nation on earth is…

Paul Wilson | June 9, 2011

The liberal news media have long blamed tax cuts for deficit, rather than blaming government spending. CNN's senior writer, Jeanne Sahadi, repeated this worn out meme again on June 8.Sahadi's piece cited 'two factors' that caused…

Julia A. Seymour | June 8, 2011

Despite media attempts to talk up the economy and journalists' optimism regarding the housing market a couple of years ago, the S…

Julia A. Seymour | June 6, 2011

The very disappointing May jobs report took many in the media by surprise. The 54,000 jobs added were less than one-fourth the size of April's job gains, and reporters immediately reacted to the "less than expected" gains and complained about the…

Paul Wilson | June 3, 2011

Add frequent cell phone usage to the long list of things that can give you cancer, according to the news media. CNN in particular has been reporting possible connections between cell phones and cancer for years.

But on "Newsroom" May 31,…

Dan Gainor | June 1, 2011

Last of Four Parts

To hear the left tell it, Fox News has a "history of inciting Islamophobia and racial and ethic animosity" and tries to "race bait its viewers." One staffer is called a "hit man," while his network is accused of "attack…

Dan Gainor | May 25, 2011

Third of Four Parts

Books, newspapers, radio stations, TV stations, websites and cutting edge videos. The pieces of the George Soros media empire are as diverse as the nations of the world and just as widespread. From nakedly partisan left…

Julia A. Seymour | May 23, 2011

Al Gore's "Live Earth: The Concerts for a Climate in Crisis," were his attempt to reach the entire globe with his alarmist message. Rather than merely report on the concerts, NBC went to great lengths to promote them and threw away any pretense…

Julia A. Seymour | May 23, 2011

Click to read the Executive Summary

Read the Sidebar: Live Earth: NBC Joins the Fight for 'Climate in Crisis,' Fails to Stay Objective

Baaaa-dum. It only took two musical notes to set the mood and terrify viewers watching the movie…

Julia A. Seymour | May 23, 2011

The cause for the end of the world has been imagined by screenwriters to include everything from giant insects and malevolent robots to asteroids the size of Texas. But five year ago in May 2006, Hollywood found a new menace: carbon dioxide. This…

Dan Kennedy | May 19, 2011

For the third time, a court has found it necessary to order President Obama to comply with the law. The first two times, he thumbed his nose.

Twice before, courts ordered his administration to lift its moratorium on pending oil drilling…

Dan Gainor | May 18, 2011

Second of Four Parts

It's a scene journalists dream about - a group of coworkers toasting a Pulitzer Prize. For the team at investigative start-up ProPublica, it was the second time their fellow professionals recognized their work for…

Dan Gainor | May 11, 2011

First of Four Parts

When liberal investor George Soros gave $1.8 million to National Public Radio, it became part of the firestorm of controversy that jeopardized NPR's federal funding. But that gift only hints at the widespread influence…

Dan Kennedy | May 6, 2011

A lot of celebration. With the wedding watched 'round the world, Britain celebrated its royals, its culture, and its own patriotic pride. We joined in here in the U.S. as enthusiastic and appreciative spectators. We pretty much refuse to watch…