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Dan Gainor | August 15, 2011

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See Detailed List of Soros-Connected Journalists

George Soros is arguably the most influential liberal financier in the United States, donating more than $8 billion just to his Open Society Foundations. In 2004, he…

Julia A. Seymour | August 11, 2011
Media Back Democrat Push Against S…
Dan Gainor | August 11, 2011

To hear MSNBC's new class clown Lawrence O'Donnell explain it, most voters "don't really know anything about the economy." If he's correct, then we can lay the blame squarely on the media and the left for years of twisting and misreporting…

Dan Kennedy | August 4, 2011

In a letter to the editor, published in the Northern Wyoming Daily News, Bruce L. Hargraves, USN Retired, wrote: "I object and take exception to everyone saying that Obama and Congress are spending money like a drunken sailor. As a former drunken…

Dan Gainor | August 4, 2011

Happy Birthday to me,Happy Birthday to me,I'm narcissistic you see,Happy birthday to me.It's the perfect romance: a man who loves to be loved and, well, his biggest fan - himself. It's hard to tell if we should mark August 4 as Barack Obama's…

Dan Kennedy | August 1, 2011

While we have been arguing about how many more trillions to borrow - and spend as fast as we can - based on the asinine premise that taking on more debt should be reassuring about our solvency, reports in The Washington Post, Wall Street Journal…

Julia A. Seymour | July 28, 2011

Both houses of Congress are fighting over the debt ceiling - the Senate debating a plan by Majority Leader Sen. Harry Reid and the House voting on a bill pushed by Speaker John Boehner. So far, only one actual bill has passed, but it was…

Julia A. Seymour | July 25, 2011

With so many media reports focused on getting a deficit ceiling deal and competing plans to "slash spending," you might be surprised to learn that "spending cut plans don't cut spending."

The liberal news media have been tossing…

Julia A. Seymour | July 14, 2011

The 2010 elections, which changed the balance of power in the House, were driven by popular opposition to government spending, debt and the threat of tax increases. Yet even with the federal debt limit already breached and only days left to…

Dan Kennedy | July 13, 2011

On the FOX financial show, "Cashin' In," on July 11, a discussion broke out over a new scheme to subsidize employers' hiring of ex-convicts. The plan would give employers $2,400 in tax credits and some new, free, government insurance against…

Dan Kennedy | July 12, 2011

This past week, Little Timmy the Treasury Secretary made a remarkable public confession, which of course the mainstream media barely noticed. He said that the administration was trying different things and experimenting with their best ideas…

Julia A. Seymour | July 8, 2011

A senior political adviser to the Obama administration said on July 6 that in 2012, people won't be voting based on the unemployment rate, according to The Hill newspaper.

Of course, adviser David Plouffe said that two days before the…

Julia A. Seymour | July 7, 2011

Pick up a copy of Newsweek, The New York Times or turn on any of the three broadcast networks and it isn't difficult to see how biased U.S. media outlets are on climate issues.But, according to some in academia and the U.S. and European news…

Dan Gainor | July 6, 2011

Two years ago, UN researchers were claiming that it would cost "as much as $600 billion a year over the next decade" to go green. A new UN report has more than tripled that number to $1.9 trillion a year for 40 years.

That's $76 trillion,…

Dan Kennedy | July 5, 2011

Last week I wrote about the FDA's big announcement of its new labeling requirements for sun tan lotion. It was clearly an urgent priority worth whatever months and millions devoted, at this time when every penny of government spending that can be…

Dan Gainor | July 1, 2011

To the Men and Women of the United States Military:

It's the July 4th weekend. Many of you are far from home in unpleasant places like Iraq and Afghanistan or off the coast of a hostile nation such as Libya. You are fighting at least three…

Catherine Maggio | June 30, 2011

On Saturday, June 25, 2011, thousands flooded the streets to celebrate the passage of New York's law permitting same-sex marriage. Amongst those who put on their party hats to rejoice were the media, who for years now have unashamedly supported…

Julia A. Seymour | June 29, 2011

It is rare when a member of the news media takes on one of his brethren over bad reporting, but that's exactly what CNBC's Jim Cramer did on "Mad Money" June 28.Cramer soundly criticized Ian Urbina of The New York Times for his June 25 story…

Paul Wilson | June 29, 2011

Cable channel Animal Planet is once again feeding its viewers dramatic environmental propaganda and misinformation. Season 4 of "Whale Wars," a program chronicling the anti-whaling efforts of environmentalist Paul Watson and his Sea Shepherds, is…

Dan Kennedy | June 23, 2011

Thank God and Government! Breaking news. You'll be so relieved. Last week the media reported the reassuring fact that the FDA had finally imposed new labeling requirements on bottles of sun tan/sunscreen lotion. Whew.

Sure, the entire…