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Julia A. Seymour | September 29, 2011

Unemployment became the top concern of Americans in September, according to Gallup. The Sept. 8-11 poll found that unemployment overtook "the economy" as "the most important problem facing this country today."It makes sense since the month…

Dan Gainor | September 28, 2011

Drop that plastic spork (it's made from petroleum), let your babies go diaper-free (ewww!), give up air travel and join the movement. Defining "the movement" might be a wee bit tricky, but it's there and if you have a heart (brain not required)…

Julia A. Seymour | September 21, 2011

The Solyndra scandal is certainly an "embarrassment" for the White House, as some network news reports have called it. But somehow those same reports have still failed to criticize Obama's green jobs programs for fiscal waste, even the…

Dan Kennedy | September 16, 2011

If you're a Tweeter, here's the Charlatan-In-Chief's speech last week in the Twitter idiom:

No News. Lie More. Spend More. Tax More. Borrow More. Print More. Four Years More.

84 characters left over, but nothing more to say.

Dan Gainor | September 15, 2011

The Washington Post might be a day late and $38 billion short, but it's being honest about Barack Obama's failed green jobs program. According to the Post, the "$38.6 billion loan guarantee program" has created just "3,545 new, permanent jobs" "…

Dan Gainor | September 14, 2011

When Sarah Palin ran for vice president, journalists provided some Alaska-sized examples of character assassination, attacking her by a factor of 18-to-1, calling her McCain's "problem" and her views "incendiary." So far this election, the media…

Dan Kennedy | September 12, 2011

The pundit universe was afire this past week over Gov. Perry's characterizing Social Security as a Ponzi scheme, one of the oldest forms of financial fraud, well-defined.

The Boston Globe, in its review of a book titled 'The Looting of…

Dan Gainor | September 8, 2011

The huge noise you just heard was the sound of … nothing.

A bit of nothing that was quite something - the latest job numbers. Total jobs gained: zero. Zilch. Nada. lists 25 such synonyms for such a monumental failure. That'…

Julia A. Seymour | September 7, 2011

Just like in Groundhog Day when Bill Murray wakes up to the same day each and every morning, it appears Americans will feel a frustrating sense of déjà vu listening to President Obama's jobs speech on Sept. 8.

According to Bloomberg,…

Dan Kennedy | September 2, 2011

Sad to say, this isn't shocking news. The pesident's first official, post-vacation act on Monday was nominating Alan Krueger, a Princeton academic, to head his council of economic advisers (a herd of other academics.)

And who wouldn't? It…

Julia A. Seymour | September 2, 2011

Ahead of the Sept. 2 release of the August jobs report, surveys had indicated the economy had added anywhere from 75,000 to 100,000 jobs that month. But those estimates turned out to be very wrong. Just minutes ahead of the release, CNBC's Rick…

Julia A. Seymour | September 1, 2011

President Obama announced liberal Princeton economist Alan Krueger as his new pick to chair the White House Council of Economic Advisers, as the president prepares for a speech on jobs after Labor Day.

The broadcast networks said nothing…

Dan Gainor | August 31, 2011

Conservatives are crazy. Sometimes they're stupid, racist or even evil. On creative occasions they're all four - at least that's how they're portrayed by the American media.

This election season, journalists have partnered fully with the…

Dan Kennedy | August 26, 2011

Here are two under-reported, outrageous news stories. One a general story, one a business story - both are very bad news of the same kind. The first should anger you, the second should scare you.

The U.S.D.A. is, this school year, running…

Dan Gainor | August 25, 2011

The Politico headline read: "Conservative elites pine for 2012 hero." They could have shortened that sentence to "Elites pine" or more likely to "Elites freak the heck out." Because it's not just the conservative cognoscenti, it's all of them.…

Julia A. Seymour | August 22, 2011

While campaigning President Obama promised to create 5 million "green" jobs, and shortly into his term he announced a "task force" to do just that. His stimulus package included tax credits for renewable energy companies, allotted funds for…

Dan Kennedy | August 19, 2011

This past week President Obama unveiled his two best ideas for ending our economic crisis and unleashing a job creation tsunami. Apparently he has been keeping these powerful plans in reserve, waiting until they were most needed. In case you…

Dan Gainor | August 15, 2011

Read the Full Report

Read the Executive Summary

Center for Public Integrity

Board of Directors:

Christiane Amanpour - Anchor of 'This Week with Christiane Amanpour,' ABC's Sunday morning political…

Dan Gainor | August 15, 2011

Read the Executive Summary

Read Top Journalists that Serve on Soros-Funded Boards

On April 8, House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi headlined a Boston conference on ''media reform.'' She was joined by four other congressmen, a…

Dan Kennedy | August 15, 2011

On Sunday, August 7's "Meet the Press," of everybody at the table, only Alan Greenspan came close to truth, and host David Gregory quickly moved the conversation away from it.

The pre- and post-debt ceiling debacle argument about economic…