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Amy Menefee | December 12, 2011

     As Katrina survivors begin to file insurance claims, some politicians and activists want to hold insurance companies and taxpayers responsible for uninsured properties. The media are…

Charles Simpson | December 12, 2011

As good neighbors, private charities, and government agencies rushed to aid the victims of Hurricane Katrina, CNNs Lou Dobbs and Lisa Sylvester offered their own charitable assistance to labor unions and…

Dan Gainor | December 12, 2011

A new study of drugs for schizophrenia is getting media attention both for what it says and for what the media claim it says. The Washington Post especially used the occasion to say it underscores the…

Dan Gainor | December 12, 2011

     Political and scientific circles are still reeling from Katrinas impact as left-wing climate change advocates try to link the hurricane with global warming.


| December 12, 2011

Winners and losers is a familiar journalistic story construction that often oversimplifies situations. The September 25 Washington Post dubbed motorists the big losers and oil companies the clear winners in…

R. Warren Anderson | December 12, 2011

Doctors and manufacturers are colluding against patients and the hospitals that serve them, according to the September 22 New York Times.


     The Times…

Amy Menefee, R. Warren Anderson | December 12, 2011

The Picture of Hype Networks show exaggerated video of highest gas prices, hyping daily increases but glossing over the…

Dan Gainor | December 12, 2011

Scientists dont agree about global warming, especially when it comes to claiming it caused recent hurricanes. But Time magazine claims the connection is an easy conclusion to reach.  …

| December 12, 2011

The global warming alarmists are out again. The polar ice caps arent leaving us forever, but ABC and The New York Times seized a new study this week about seasonal change to proclaim the end of the North…

R. Warren Anderson | December 12, 2011

The Washington Post and ABCs World News Tonight jumped on childhood obesity again this week, ignoring personal choice when it comes to eating, while NBCs Today called for Big Brother to do more…

Amy Menefee | December 12, 2011

     Broadcast journalists have been the only ones bidding up gas prices lately. While they foretell a horizon of $4 and $5 gas, consumers on U.S. streets are paying an average of $2.81…

Charles Simpson | December 12, 2011

Finally, the discussion about Hurricane Katrinas aftermath has turned to the Mississippi coast. Since the advent of the storm, devastated Mississippi communities have received sparse coverage compared to…

Charles Simpson | December 12, 2011

     If there were a Saffir-Simpson scale for newscasts, CNNs Lou Dobbs Tonight would have been downgraded long ago from news to rant. A September 20 report on the Labor Departments suspension of…

Dan Gainor | December 12, 2011

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. On the network news, it equals about 75 cents a gallon.      That's how much the three broadcast networks have been…

Dan Gainor | December 9, 2011

According to police, a letter bomb was recently sent to the CEO of Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt, Germany.

It was only a matter of time.

Left wing protesters - from the union loonies at SEIU to the equally loony, but more radical…

Julia A. Seymour | December 9, 2011
While it may sound like a joke, and New York City website Gothamist reported it with plenty of snark, New York University will offer a class next semester on Occupy Wall Street (possibly two). Perhaps it's an attempt to keep their students in class…
Dan Gainor | December 1, 2011

When Americans triumphed in the Revolutionary War, it was said that the world had turned upside down.

It has happened all over again 228 years later, except this time it's not the government that's changed, it's the culture. The 1960s…

Dan Kennedy | November 30, 2011

On "Meet The Press," Grover Norquist, keeper of the pledge some legislators and presidential candidates have signed not to raise taxes, succinctly stated the Democrat position.

The only problem in Washington, D.C., Norquist explained, is…

Iris Somberg | November 29, 2011

Muppet fans around the world were excited to see their childhood friends reunite; only to find out it was to save their studio from a rich oil executive. Liberal Hollywood loves an evil oil company - better yet, make it a successful business man…

Dan Gainor | November 21, 2011

Thanksgiving means we should give thanks. Seldom since 9/11 has it been this obvious that we owe so much thanks to the men and women in blue. Occupiers abuse, harass and threaten them and the media blame … the police.

So from the NYPD to…