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Julia A. Seymour | February 8, 2012

Fear of chemicals and “toxins” is rampant among the so-called “environmental” left. Unfortunately, that phobia infects national media coverage as well. For more than a decade, the left has been on the attack against BPA, a chemical that is…

Dan Gainor | February 6, 2012

Four years ago, global tensions were rising and gas was on its way to a mid-July peak of $4.11 per gallon. Conservative leaders called for a nationwide push to access our energy resources - long denied by the eco-nuts. The campaign to "Drill Here…

Julia A. Seymour | February 2, 2012

Each year the Business & Media Institute looks back on the year's news and selects the top 10 worst economic myths.Here is our 2011 list:10. Congress took a "machete" to the budget in August.9. In order to win, the GOP wants to sabotage…

Dan Kennedy | January 26, 2012

The lead financial story January 20th's USA Today was headlined "Are corporate defaults set to rise?"


My answer, before reading, was: of course. As are government defaults - directly, at municipal and possibly state levels, by…

Iris Somberg | January 26, 2012

You'd think that in producing a remake of Dr. Seuss's "The Lorax," Universal Pictures had fulfilled its liberal propaganda obligations for at least this fiscal quarter. After all, "The Lorax" is an environmentalist classic.

Alas, "Mr.…

Julia A. Seymour | January 24, 2012

According to the Jan. 24, Wall Street Journal, President Barack Obama will focus part of his State of the Union address on energy security and the "benefits of increased U.S. oil and gas production." This is almost laughable given Obama's many…

Dan Gainor | January 23, 2012

It Super Bowl time and 308 million people are poised for the battle between … left and right. That insignificant contest between the New York Giants and the New England Patriots will be over Sunday Feb. 5. But the battle between red and blue has…

Dan Gainor | January 23, 2012

In December, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney declared that ensuring "middle-class Americans don't have their taxes go up on January 1st" was the president's "number one priority." Perhaps it was, but what Carney failed to mention was that…

Dan Kennedy | January 10, 2012

If it must be Gov. Romney, let him defend himself and his career forcefully. We are already seeing how Romney is being demonized because he is rich and successful and owns multiple homes and eliminated some jobs in the course of saving, fixing…

Julia A. Seymour | January 9, 2012

In November 2011 it became public knowledge that the Chevy Volt could possibly catch fire weeks after a serious accident. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) opened its investigation into the matter on Nov. 25. Now…

Dan Gainor | January 5, 2012

When Rick Santorum essentially tied in Iowa, he gave his campaign new life. He also guaranteed America would finally learn just how disgusting, vile and despicable the left is in this country. And how major news outlets and one of the most well-…

Dan Gainor | December 30, 2011

The post-Christmas headline reads: ''THE MOLOTOV PARTY,'' and it's not talking about a fiery New Year's Eve bash. Naturally, it refers to the GOP and accompanies a photo of the top candidates, with every single letter of the headline capitalized…

Paul Wilson | December 27, 2011

Occupy Wall Street attacks income inequality and the richest 1 percent, adopting as its slogan ''we are the 99 percent.'' In October, its protesters staged a ''millionaires march'' in New York City, parading to the homes of wealthy citizens such…

Dan Gainor | December 21, 2011

Twas the night before Solstice, and all through the park

No protesters were stirring, even after the dark.

Occupiers were seething, all mad at The Man,

'Tis Wall Street we're blamin' and we're not a fan.


Dan Kennedy | December 16, 2011

This past week, MSNBC has repeatedly advanced the claim that this year as many as 5 million voters will be disenfranchised by unjust state laws requiring them to produce government-issued photo IDs when voting. MSNBC's newest 'star,' Al Sharpton…

Dan Gainor | December 15, 2011

It's easy to see George Soros's imprint on most major American left-wing organizations. All you have to do is look at their financial forms. George Soros aids hundreds of left-wing groups in America each year under the auspices of his Open…

Dan Gainor | December 12, 2011

Post Spins History to Attack Business Reparations story calls slavery a crime and fails to remind readers that it really wasnt.


Dan Gainor | December 12, 2011

     Drug companies cant catch a break on TV news shows. After months of media complaints about companies selling allegedly unsafe medicines such as Vioxx, the September 11 edition of 60…

R. Warren Anderson | December 12, 2011

Despite the fact that experts discredit any link between Hurricane Katrina and global warming, the media continue to talk about it in print and on at least four major TV networks.     …

Amy Menefee | December 12, 2011

     As Katrina survivors begin to file insurance claims, some politicians and activists want to hold insurance companies and taxpayers responsible for uninsured properties. The media are…