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Mike Ciandella | January 23, 2013

It’s easy to miss $14 trillion dollars if nobody reports on it. The World Economic Forum called for $14 trillion in environmental initiatives, yet none of the three major networks even mentioned it in their evening news segments from January 22,…

Mike Ciandella | January 10, 2013

Between 30 and 35 lefty and environmental groups have joined forces to combat the NRA, the American Legislative Exchange Council and other conservative groups, and they expect their number to grow to 50 by the end of winter. As if that wasn’t bad…

Liz Thatcher | January 9, 2013

Even with its plot twist, Matt Damon’s “Promised Land” is more of the same Hollywood anti-fracking propaganda we’ve seen before. And it isn’t even great propaganda. It made only a little more than $4 million its opening weekend, putting it at…

Julia A. Seymour | January 3, 2013

To the chagrin of many conservatives, a deal that would result in tax hikes and lacked spending cuts was passed on New Year’s Day, hours after the the fiscal cliff deadline had passed. Because it didn’t include spending cuts, the…

Julia A. Seymour | December 17, 2012

Less than a week after Great Britain lifted its ban on hydraulic fracturing, there is more news that will make fracking opponents unhappy. AXS television, formerly HDNet, has agreed to air the film “FrackNation” next month.“FrackNation,” a film…

Mike Ciandella | December 5, 2012

Dinner at Jim Avila’s house must be a real party – that is, if Avila himself believes his hysterical food scaremongering. The ABC senior national correspondent has launched job-killing attacks against the beef industry and the poultry industry,…

Julia A. Seymour | December 4, 2012

Liberals can’t stand Grover Norquist. For years, they have lambasted and name-called Norquist, the president of American’s for Tax Reform: a staunch anti-tax hike group. But now the liberal media is also focused on him, in some cases…

Dan Gainor | December 3, 2012

America is racing toward the Jan. 1 fiscal cliff deadline when tax hikes and spending cuts automatically take effect. But the overwhelming news focus has been only on tax hikes as a solution to the problem. Since the election, ABC…

Julia A. Seymour | November 27, 2012
Networks Show Feds Double Standard: Despite huge failings on the part of local and state government, the Bush administration and FEMA took most of the network criticism in 12 days of Hurricane Katrina coverage. But in a 12-day period of…
Mike Ciandella | November 21, 2012
The Newspaper Guild is encouraging its members to support the Walmart strike on Black Friday. Thousands of disgruntled Walmart employees and former employees have planned to protest against the company’s policy of not allowing its workers to…
Liz Thatcher | November 16, 2012

The self-appointed food police are at it again. On a Nov. 14 edition of NBCs “Today,” investigative reporter Jeff Rossen dedicated his “Rossen Reports” segment to “berry imposters.” He referenced “experts” in his hit piece on any company that…

Dan Gainor | November 14, 2012

The nation is nearing a “fiscal cliff” of huge tax hikes and major cuts in government. It’s all the result of a debt deal made between the Obama administration and Republicans in Congress.

But in the six months leading…

Liz Thatcher | November 12, 2012

CNBC’s Jim Cramer predicted a possible recession by Christmas if lawmakers didn’t step up and make some sort of deal in regards to the looming fiscal cliff. His prediction came during an Nov. 11 appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press…

Gary Wolfram, Ph.D. | November 7, 2012

Voters headed to the polls Nov. 6, and for many their greatest concern was the U.S. economic situation. Although The Great Recession ended more than three years ago, growth has remained slow and job growth sluggish.

If we look at the…

Mike Ciandella | November 2, 2012

PBS’s “Moyers & Company” released a series of articles in which his writers answer a question that “matters today” to answer. Both the selection and wording of the questions and the answers provided by Moyers’s staff strongly favor President…

Liz Thatcher | November 1, 2012

Investors are concerned about the stock market, and say a Romney presidency would be the best thing to help both the market and the economy. Despite this belief, three fourths of the money managers surveyed for Barron’s latest Big Money Poll…

Julia A. Seymour | November 1, 2012

Presidential elections have been won or lost due to the economy. Herbert Hoover lost to Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Jimmy Carter lost to Ronald Reagan. This election season is no different as polls, including a recent one from NBC News/Wall Street…

Liz Thatcher | October 11, 2012

The left will stop at nothing to push the global warming narrative. Time magazine recently released a special edition called “Global Warming: The Causes, The Perils, The Solutions” dedicated entirely to illustrate a “basis for hope…

Liz Thatcher | October 9, 2012

Traditional media weren’t the biggest fans of the movie “Atlas Shrugged: Part I” when it was released in April 2011. With “Atlas Shrugged Part II: The Strike” set to hit theaters on Oct. 12, it’ll be hard to top the derision of the last movie.…

Mike Ciandella | October 8, 2012

Bill Moyers is at it again. In a documentary entitled “The United States of ALEC” aired as an episode of “Moyers & Company,” Moyers and the Center for Media and Democracy’s Lisa Graves attacked the American Legislative Exchange Council for…