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Julia A. Seymour | June 14, 2013

Ahead of a possible July 1 interest rate hike for federally subsidized student loans, a coalition of liberal and education groups announced a “Social Media Day of Action” to demand congressional intervention.

Of the…

Mike Ciandella | June 5, 2013

Manufacturing activity dropped to its lowest pace in four years, according to The Institute for Supply Management’s (ISM) manufacturing index for the month of May, released June 3. However, none of three broadcast networks’s evening…

Julia A. Seymour | May 31, 2013

Occupy Wall Street and the class warfare diatribes of the 99 percent are making fewer national headlines, but their ideas are crowding movie theaters this month. Three May 2013 releases all call to mind the Zuccotti Park crowd’s…

Mike Ciandella | May 15, 2013

As IRS efforts targeting politically-conservative groups gained momentum, George Soros-funded liberal groups repeatedly called on the IRS to investigate conservative nonprofit organizations.

While the first reported instances of extra…

Liz Thatcher | May 14, 2013

“Assault on Wall Street,” directed by Uwe Boll and starring Dominic Purcell, takes the liberal agenda to a whole new level. Every possible liberal ideal – anti-gun, anti-capitalism, the evils of health insurance companies, crazy gun supporters –…

Julia A. Seymour | May 8, 2013

Ecuadorian villagers are upset and ready to fight to protect their rainforest homeland, from the government of Ecuador which has “launched a new oil boom,” according to NBC’s Ann Curry. But Curry turned this battle into an attack on…

Mike Ciandella | April 22, 2013

Earth Day is the biggest lefty environmental celebration of the year, and the news media and George Soros love it. In fact, the liberal billionaire has given more than $20 million to groups partnered with Earth Day 2013.

Julia A. Seymour | April 15, 2013

Several years ago, CBS’s “60 Minutes,” CNN and The New York Times tarred Chevron with biased reporting about a lawsuit between the oil company and an “eco-radical” group called Amazon Defense Coalition (ADC).


Matt Hadro | April 12, 2013

From the March 18 beginning of the Kermit Gosnell trial until April 12, CNN devoted exactly 24 seconds to the former abortionist's clinic of horrors. In contrast, the network spent over 18 minutes on Tuesday discussing the controversy over Brad…

Mike Ciandella | April 12, 2013

George Soros isn't behind everything the left does, but it sure seems like he helps fund it all. The lefty magazine Mother Jones released a tape, reportedly obtained from a Democratic Super PAC in Kentucky, in an effort to…

Julia A. Seymour | April 3, 2013

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has found further evidence that childhood vaccines and autism are “not related,” in spite of high profile anti-vaccination voices like actress Jenny McCarthy and Robert F. Kennedy…

Mike Ciandella | April 2, 2013

In a just a few weeks, environmentalists will be marking Earth Day. But even an eco-saint can’t do enough to save the planet from running out of resources according to’s carbon footprint quiz.

Earth Day…

Mike Ciandella | March 12, 2013

The Huffington Post promoted a group of anti-fracking celebrities, including Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Liv Tyler and Fred Armisen, who have joined Sean Lennon and Yoko Ono in yet another round of “Don’t Frack my Mother.”  The anti-fracking song…

Julia A. Seymour | March 5, 2013

No rising price affects the American psyche like skyrocketing gas prices. After all, many people drive past one or more gas stations each and every day, making it impossible not to see the prices soar. Then when the weekly, or bi-weekly fill…

Mike Ciandella | February 21, 2013

A personal memo sent out by EPA staff refers to the existence of secondary email accounts for top staffers, according to a new release of agency documents. These secret email accounts were allegedly only known to high-level senior staff, and…

Liz Thatcher | February 15, 2013

According to a new study by the George Soros-funded Center for Economic Policy and Research, minimum wage should be $21.72 an hour to keep up with the increase of worker productivity. Highlighting that study, The Huffington Post bemoaned…

Liz Thatcher | February 3, 2013

The income tax was considered by Homer S. Cummings, chairman of the Democratic National during Woodrow Wilson’s presidency, as one of the most notable achievements of the Democratic Party. This was made possible through the ratification of the…

Julia A. Seymour | January 30, 2013

Death has nothing on taxes. Federal income tax receipts have grown by a shocking 267,869 percent in the 100 years of the tax. The tax, approved Feb. 3, 1913, was designed to tax the rich at a time when government coffers were already full. …

Liz Thatcher | January 30, 2013

The federal income tax was adopted by the passage of the 16th amendment on Feb. 3, 1913. In honor of the impending 100th anniversary, here is a list of noteworthy accomplishments made without reliance on a personal income tax.

The list…

Julia A. Seymour | January 29, 2013

Although many people will be focused on football Feb. 3, the date also marks a less-enjoyable event — the 100th anniversary of the federal income tax. On that day in 1913, the 16th Amendment was ratified making it possible for Congress…