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Sean Long | December 5, 2013

CNN founder Ted Turner has a long history of paranoia when it comes to human extinction and global destruction. He remains a zealous supporter of population reduction.

Ted Turner opened up to Fortune Magazine’s senior…

Mike Ciandella | November 26, 2013

Turkeys just can’t catch a break. Somebody has finally made a film highlighting the gobblers’ annual Thanksgiving plight, and it was a paint-by-numbers politically correct animated clunker nobody wants to see. “Free Birds” depicted a ludicrous…

Sean Long | November 25, 2013

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) warns sports stadiums are at risk from the "sea level rise effects of climate change," and that climate change specifically threatens hockey and skiing.

"We see significant sports facilities, the palaces of…

Mike Ciandella | November 22, 2013

The Communications Workers of America, which includes a prominent journalism union, is taking credit for Sen. Harry Reid’s use of the nuclear option. That option is a Senate rule which prevents the GOP from blocking presidential nominees. CWA…

Sean Long | November 21, 2013

A group of Hollywood liberals are once again attacking natural gas drilling, commonly known as fracking.

A wealthy band of actors including eco-activist Daryl Hannah created a video demanding a ban on fracking, which The…

Sean Long | November 21, 2013

Climate change alarmists have turned to recruiting sports leagues to promote eco-hysteria. Democrats in Congress are calling on the major sports leagues to promote climate change regulation and to answer what they are doing to limit greenhouse…

Mike Ciandella | November 13, 2013

Trans fats may soon be banned by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). But why were they there to begin with? The networks haven’t been reporting that trans fats became popular because of a food police group’s crusade to get rid of…

Mike Ciandella | November 12, 2013

More typhoons will happen unless liberal energy policies are adopted, and those who disagree have “blood on their hands” – at least according to climate alarmist Jeffrey Sachs.

Sachs, a friend of liberal billionaire…

Kristine Marsh | November 8, 2013

As it turns out, going green comes with a hefty price tag and at least a few media outlets have noticed. In Europe, the push toward renewables in order to meet carbon emission goals has “backfired,” driving costs way up, according to…

Sean Long | November 7, 2013

Far from disappearing, Antarctic ice levels reached a record high on Sept. 22. Climate alarmists are now being forced to reconcile this evidence with their unquestioning belief in global warming.

The Washington Post’s Jason Samenow…

Kristine Marsh | November 5, 2013

Even though gay marriage advocates often say those marriages won’t hurt others, business owners have been finding out that isn’t true. Companies, especially wedding-related ones, from several states have been sued and harassed for…

Mike Ciandella | October 28, 2013

The $1 billion defamation lawsuit against ABC news over “pink slime.” has been moved to a South Dakota state court.

Beef Products Inc, sued ABC after the news network referred to BPI’s product “lean finely textured beef…

Mike Ciandella | October 28, 2013

George Soros just loves to meddle in American politics - especially if it's in support of liberal causes.

Soros's Open Society Foundation proudly claimed to have given $100 million dollars to "immigrant rights" projects in the…

Mike Ciandella | October 11, 2013

Since the government shut down on Oct. 1, the Obama administration and many in the news media have hyped its danger to the economy and the financial markets. Obama himself told Wall Street to be concerned. But a prominent credit ratings…

Sean Long | October 9, 2013

The next Federal Reserve Chairman will be Janet Yellen. President Barack Obama plans to nominate her on Oct. 9. Ahead of the announcement, Yellen, the liberal Fed vice chairman, was considered the most likely candidate to replace Ben Bernanke…

Kristine Marsh | October 8, 2013

Well if a celebrity is for it, then it must be a good idea. The Obama administration launched a new social media campaign last week using controversial celebrities as spokespeople for the Affordable Care Act. Counting the celebrities’ Twitter…

Sean Long | October 3, 2013

After the stock market shook off news of a government shutdown, the reaction from President Obama was a warning for Wall Street to worry. In an exclusive CNBC interview with John Harwood, the president said “I think they should be concerned…

Sean Long | September 17, 2013

On the second anniversary of the Occupy Wall Street movement, protesters once again gathered in New York City to protest. Agenda items included puppet theater and calls for a “Robin Hood” tax on Wall Street.

The Occupy…

Julia A. Seymour | September 13, 2013

Peak hurricane season has arrived and on Sept. 10 as Tropical Storms Humberto and Gabrielle churned in the Atlantic, the season was nearing a record: for NOT having a hurricane. Humberto finally ratcheted up to hurricane status on Sept…

Mike Ciandella | September 11, 2013

Apparently the burden of proof rests with MSNBC’s viewers to notice when the cable channel uses incorrect photos.

MSNBC’s “News Nation” hyped a Politico hit job of the beef industry on Sept. 10 – but there was a problem…