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Katie Yoder, Aly Nielsen | October 27, 2017

Feminists were outraged when the Women’s March announced a man, Democratic Sen. Bernie Sanders, would begin its October Women’s Convention. That was changed, but it turns out, there’s another old, white man prominently connected…

Aly Nielsen, Julia A. Seymour | October 26, 2017

Sexual harassment and abuse by Hollywood elites should be obvious to anyone who watches the movies and TV shows Hollywood produces.

The fact is, Hollywood never hid its sexual harassment or abuse in fiction — often depicting …

Julia A. Seymour | October 24, 2017

CBS Evening News aired complaints about a “revolving door” of government employees going to industry roles under the Obama administration on Oct. 20. But CBS quickly seized the opportunity to attack the Trump administration.

NB Staff | October 23, 2017

The media want to ignore Hillary Clinton and the Russian uranium deal because “it defies what they want to talk about,” according to MRC’s Vice President for Business and Culture Dan Gainor.

Appearing on Fox and Friends…

Julia A. Seymour | October 19, 2017

The Dow Jones Industrial Average surged to more new records on Oct. 17 and 18, crossing 23,000 points for the first time during a trading day then closing above 23K for the very first time the next day.

But broadcast networks minimized…

Aly Nielsen | October 17, 2017

Left-wing financier George Soros just nearly tripled the size of his foundation by adding an additional $18 billion in assets. The foundation has funded liberal activism on immigration, abortion, journalism and a myriad of other issues. Its soon-…

Julia A. Seymour | October 17, 2017

The New York Times isn’t just accused of political bias, it’s science bias too. The paper is being sued for libel by a university professor after an article about academics and food lobbies, according to The Gainesville Sun.

Aly Nielsen | October 17, 2017

In liberal billionaire Tom Steyer’s ideal world, his taxes would be raised, the coal industry would be no more and President Donald Trump would be impeached.

“I am strongly opposed to even one more penny in [tax] cuts for rich…

Aly Nielsen | October 12, 2017

Liberal climate activist Tom Steyer -- the largest Democrat donor -- wants impeaching President Donald Trump to be a “defining issue” during the 2018 election.

This week, Steyer sent a letter demanding Congressional Democrats…

Julia A. Seymour | October 11, 2017

Rolling Stone magazine contributing editor Jeff Goodell seems to have trouble with logic in addition to his disdain for coal power.

In, “Scott Pruitt Can’t Stop the Death of Big Coal,” Goodell claimed that without the…

Aly Nielsen | October 11, 2017

A George Soros-funded nonprofit is seeking to help fill the local journalism void, by bringing more liberal journalism to town. Starting with Illinois.

Nonprofit outlet ProPublica announced a new “Local Reporting Network”…

Corinne Weaver | October 11, 2017

As the accusations against producer Harvey Weinstein grow with every day, it’s telling to see who remains silent.

When the allegations of rape surfaced in the New Yorker on October 10, Weinstein crony Hillary Clinton finally spoke…

Aly Nielsen | October 6, 2017

Liberals like to pretend sexual predators are never liberal themselves. Just ask Anthony Weiner about how wrong that is. The latest example involves Hollywood A-list producer Harvey Weinstein and allegations of nearly three decades of sexual…

Julia A. Seymour | October 6, 2017

In spite of the media’s love for the “Fearless Girl” statue that faced down the famous Wall Street “Charging Bull,” it turns out the company behind the statue may not be isn’t so women-friendly as it claimed.…

Aly Nielsen | October 5, 2017

The news media have long promoted left-leaning tax analysis by dressing up liberal tax groups as “nonpartisan.” Most recently, print media and the networks have appealed to the liberal Tax Policy Center (TPC) to criticize President…

Julia A. Seymour | October 5, 2017

The New York Times has a tip for filmmakers who want to “galvanize” viewers about the threat of climate change.

Be funny.

Perhaps they had just watched the incomparable Donald O’Connor sing, “Make ‘Em…

Julia A. Seymour | October 4, 2017

The liberal media pounced immediately on the release of President Donald Trump’s outline for tax reform calling it “one big lie,” complaining about tax “cuts for the wealthy,” and saying the plan “stinks.…

Aly Nielsen | September 29, 2017

The number of Americans who see a connection between manmade climate change and hurricanes grew dramatically in the past 12 years.

Given Al Gore, climate alarmists and the liberal media’s persistent climate alarmism throughout that…

Aly Nielsen | September 28, 2017

NFL sponsors are feeling pressure to respond after more than 200 players, coaches and team owners knelt in protest during the anthem on the weekend of Sept. 23. While most NFL sponsors have so far not ended their sponsorships, at least three…

Julia A. Seymour | September 28, 2017

Target announced it will raise its starting wage for employees to $11 an hour by October, to better compete for holiday workers. But Fight for $15 activists are trying to claim it as a victory of their own.

The retail giant also said that…