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Julia A. Seymour | January 9, 2018

A weaker than expected jobs report managed to capture the attention of the three broadcast networks evening newscasts. That was quite a switch.Those same news programs often underreported good economic news in the past year. ABC World News…

Aly Nielsen | January 9, 2018

Billionaire Tom Steyer just announced he will spend $30 million in 2018 to “unleash” millennial voters. It is the latest move in his push towards President Donald Trump’s impeachment.

“I’m putting $30 million…

Aly Nielsen | January 8, 2018

Liberal Washington Post columnist David Von Drehle is sure President Donald Trump will face “a recession, slump, or God forbid, crash” before the 2020 presidential election — despite the strong economic gains so far under Trump…

Julia A. Seymour | January 5, 2018

As much of the U.S. shivers under extreme cold, the liberal media lashed out at President Donald Trump over a tweet about global warming, portraying him as stupid or confused about the difference between weather and climate.

Trump had…

Aly Nielsen | January 3, 2018

The Dow crossed 25,000 for the first time in its history during trading on Jan. 4 - the latest in a string of record setting gains beginning in 2017. The past year defied many predictions from liberal media personalities. CNN…

Aly Nielsen | January 2, 2018

At least one liberal media outlet has grasped the link between President Donald Trump and economic growth in 2017. According to a shockingly positive Jan. 1 New York Times report, Trump’s ongoing commitment to deregulation was responsible…

Aly Nielsen | December 28, 2017

Less than two years after liberal New York City mayor Bill De Blasio unveiled his Soros-backed Progressive Agenda for America, the website is offline: a tribute to how well his progressive plans played out in the 2016 presidential election.…

Aly Nielsen | December 26, 2017

The GOP-sponsored tax cut is having an impact, Goldman Sachs lowered its unemployment forecast for 2019 to 3.3 percent. But media outlets like The New York Times and The Washington Post chose not to pass that information on to their readers over…

Julia A. Seymour | December 22, 2017

British royal Prince Harry and actress Meghan Markle’s new engagement photos were a small part of all three network evening news shows on Dec. 21. But their news dwarfed coverage of U.S. economic growth (GDP), which got only 9 seconds.

Aly Nielsen | December 21, 2017

Editor’s Note: story contains explicit descriptions some readers may find offensive.

Yet another liberal media entity has suspended a high-ranking executive for serious sexual harassment allegations that go back to 2008.

Julia A. Seymour | December 21, 2017

Good news for the economy came quickly on the heels of the Republican-driven tax bill. AT&T, Boeing, Wells Fargo, Comcast and others announced employee bonuses or wage increases, additional contributions to training, charitable efforts and…

Julia A. Seymour | December 20, 2017

For the first time in its 121-year history, the Dow Jones Industrial Average gained more than 5,000 points in a single year, according to CNBC.

The major stock index set that record Dec. 18, following a 140-point rally and a new record…

Aly Nielsen | December 20, 2017

This year for Christmas The Washington Post is getting a rosy movie named after itself. The Post film, due out Dec. 22, dramatizes the paper’s 1971 decision to publish the Pentagon Papers which revealed the White House had been lying about…

Julia A. Seymour | December 19, 2017

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders asked on Twitter Dec. 17, “Which is the more underreported story of @Potus Year One? -Defeat of ISIS -Booming Trump economy.”

Her complaint about the economy was certainly correct. In…

Aly Nielsen | December 19, 2017

Net neutrality proponents have claimed the regulations combat censorship, yet YouTube happily censored a video of Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai defending a net neutrality repeal.

The day before the FCC voted to…

Julia A. Seymour, Aly Nielsen | December 18, 2017

Liberal media bias has existed for years, but in 2017, it appeared to reach unprecedented levels given the media’s hostility to President Donald Trump.

The media distorted many stories in 2017, in many different ways. They ranged…

Julia A. Seymour | December 15, 2017

Celebrities, comedians and left-wing media outlets lashed out at the Federal Communications Commission for reversing positions on “net neutrality,” a regulation imposed on internet providers during the Obama administration.

Julia A. Seymour | December 13, 2017

Another 228,000 jobs were added in November and the unemployment rate remained at 4.1 percent — a 17-year-low.

The numbers were better than expected, however the three broadcast network evening shows barely spent any time on Dec. 8…

Aly Nielsen | December 13, 2017

Soros-funded journalism is coming to seven states in 2018, thanks to ProPublica. The liberal journalism nonprofit announced on Dec. 9 it had chosen journalists in Louisiana, West Virginia, Oregon, New Mexico, Indiana, Illinois and Florida to…

Aly Nielsen | December 11, 2017

As sexual harassment and assault accusations tear through celebrity and political circles, three women turned to a Soros-funded film group to once again share their allegations against President Donald Trump.

Trump has repeatedly denied…