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Ashley Rae Goldenberg | April 18, 2018

Instagram, Facebook’s popular photo-sharing app, has a blanket ban on nudity. This has not stopped the gay news site PinkNews from instructing users how to track down lesbian porn through the site. More than three-fourths of teens under 18…

Julia A. Seymour | April 17, 2018

Shot: Anti-booze groups held a conference on influencing government policy.

Chaser: Two government agencies were involved with the event.

The 2018 Alcohol Policy Conference convened in Washington, D.C. on April 11-13, with…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | April 17, 2018

Facebook wants you to know it’s not the only website that collects data from users.

The company addressed users’ concerns about privacy, which were highlighted during CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s testimony on Capitol Hill last…

Julia A. Seymour | April 17, 2018

Robert Johnson, the founder of BET television and America’s first black billionaire, had some positive things to say about the economy in April, but most liberal media failed to notice. The one national paper to cover it delayed including…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | April 16, 2018

Last week, Reddit CEO Steve Huffman ignited a firestorm when he told Reddit users he would not ban the /r/the_donald subreddit, the pro-President Trump message board, over dubious claims of racism.

While fielding questions about the site…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | April 13, 2018

The White House officially waded into the controversy surrounding conservative censorship on social media.

During a press briefing on Wednesday, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders answered a question by a Breitbart…

Corinne Weaver | April 12, 2018

Content Warning: Story includes profanity

The dreaded Republicans are in control, new tax legislation has been passed, and it is tax season. What’s a wealthy, overprivileged celebrity to do?

Complain, of course. Some celebs…

Julia A. Seymour | April 11, 2018

You’ve probably heard already. April 10, was “Equal Pay Day,” a symbolic day media, politicians and celebrities use each year to complain about gender-based pay discrimination — by abusing a statistic that does not…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | April 11, 2018

While testifying in front of the Energy and Commerce Committee, Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg said the former Obama campaign staffer who claimed the company allowed the Obama campaign to do things “they wouldn’t have…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | April 10, 2018

Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg ran smack into questions about the site’s neutrality during his testimony in front of members of the U.S. Senate on Tuesday. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) questioned Zuckerberg, asking if the site is a…

Julia A. Seymour | April 10, 2018

A fuzzy animal, faulty directions and famous murderers all outranked the latest jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The BLS announced on April 6, that the U.S. added 103,000 jobs in March and unemployment remained low.…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | April 10, 2018

Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg heads to Capitol Hill this week to address criticisms regarding his company’s handling of data and privacy.

It’s always difficult to predict congressional hearings and Zuckerberg faces…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | April 5, 2018

Facebook is relying on Wikipedia to help users establish the credibility of news sources even though Wikipedia describes one of the major conservative publications, Breitbart, as “misogynistic, xenophobic, and racist.” At the same…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | April 5, 2018

As Facebook is currently embroiled in controversy surrounding its treatment of users’ personal information, a Bloomberg story draws attention to the fact that messages sent through Messenger are scanned by Facebook’s automatic tools…

Julia A. Seymour | April 5, 2018

Stock markets have been stumbling and volatile since late January. But to hear The Washington Post tell it, that means the tax cuts failed to do what President Donald Trump said they’d do.

“The tax cuts were supposed to be…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | April 4, 2018

Snapchat and Instagram have restored users’ ability to use GIF library GIPHY after the discovery of a racist GIF sticker caused the companies to temporarily disable the service.

According to TechCrunch, both companies briefly pulled…

Julia A. Seymour | April 4, 2018

The broadcast news shows have been obsessed with all things Russia — well, almost all things. Russian social media agitation and propagandizing over energy sources, pipeline projects and climate change was ignored.

The network…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | April 4, 2018

The New York Times is what Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg considers “good, trustworthy” journalism.

During an interview with Vox’s Ezra Klein, Zuckerberg spoke about attempts by Facebook to crack down on what…

Gabriel Hays | March 30, 2018

The liberal media have loved to air intense speculation about the possibility of Russian collusion with the Trump administration. It’s been almost non-stop. But when it comes to President Donald Trump’s recent toughness against Russia…

Julia A. Seymour | March 29, 2018

The biggest increase of consumer spending in three years pushed fourth-quarter economic growth to 2.9 percent, beating previous estimates and expectations.

But if you wanted to hear about it from your evening news program the same day,…