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Julia A. Seymour | June 20, 2018

The official announcement of second-quarter economic growth won’t be out until July 27, but already the predictions look good. Just don’t expect to hear them on ABC, CBS and NBC.

Economists and Wall Street firms have been crunching…

Gabriel Hays | June 19, 2018

The SPLC “has apologized to Quilliam and its founder Maajid Nawaz for wrongly naming them in its controversial Field Guide to Anti-Muslim Extremists,” wrote Quilliam about the settlement.

It added: “In a public statement…

Julia A. Seymour | June 18, 2018

The Aquaman movie will turn the typical Hollywood environmental themes on its head — with a villain at war with mankind over pollution.

On June 15, Entertainment Weekly reported that actor Patrick Wilson would play Aquaman Arthur…

Gabriel Hays | June 14, 2018

Stranger Things star and Hollywood It Girl Millie Bobby Brown recently deleted her Twitter account after being made the subject of satirical homophobic memes.

The 14-year-old actress had been targeted by internet trolls, who were…

Gabriel Hays | June 14, 2018

Elton John has been contributing to the social media censorship debate, urging social media companies to further crackdown on hate-speech. If they don’t wise up, the legendary singer is calling for a boycott.

Sir Elton John sat down…

Julia A. Seymour | June 14, 2018

An investment conference isn’t the typical place to hear climate change complaints and attacks on capitalism, but that’s exactly what attendees heard at the Morningstar Investment Conference in Chicago on June 12.


Gabriel Hays | June 13, 2018

An Israeli Minister has demanded that Twitter police the official Hamas and Hezbollah social media accounts for being “actively engaged in inciting and executing attacks against innocent civilians.”


Julia A. Seymour | June 12, 2018

Billionaire Tom Steyer won’t be alone in pouring millions into the 2018 midterms to get liberals elected. The Washington Post reported on June 9, that fellow liberal billionaire George Soros also intends to spend at least $15 million to…

Gabriel Hays | June 11, 2018

After decades of anti-Semitism and other racism, Rev. Louis Farrakhan’s sermon on the “Satanic Jew” has prompted Twitter to unverify the minister’s social media account.

On Wednesday, Farrakhan, the leader…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | June 11, 2018

Facebook is seemingly trying to once again wade into the news business, judging by job listings posted on the site.

On Thursday, Gizmodo reported that Facebook had two job listings available on its website for “news credibility…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | June 11, 2018

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is facing backlash on his site after he tweeted about eating Chick-fil-A during gay Pride Month.

In a tweet on Saturday, Dorsey indicated he had spent $31.58 at Chick-fil-A and received a discount:

Gabriel Hays | June 8, 2018

Openly socialist director David Simon brought his classic writing style to political commentary by telling Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey: “Die of boils, @jack.”

Simon, the creator of HBO’s The Wire and a self-…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | June 8, 2018

This summer, Facebook is debuting its own slate of original programming, funded by the tech giant. Out of the seven original shows announced, five have clear left-wing agendas.

Deadline reports the first batch of shows are On Location…

Paul Wilson | June 7, 2018

How well is the American economy doing these days? Well enough that even some liberal media which are usually Debbie Downers during Republican administrations have been singing its praises.

One New York Times writer “ran out of…

Julia A. Seymour | June 7, 2018

There are now more job openings in America than Americans looking for jobs.

The Wall Street Journal reported on June 5, that in spring 2018, the U.S. economy reached this unique milestone — the first time since the Labor Department…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | June 6, 2018

Google employees are reportedly preparing to unveil a proposal that would tie executive pay to workplace diversity during a shareholder meeting on Wednesday.

CNBC reported the proposal put forth by Zevin Asset Management, and backed by…

Katie Yoder | June 5, 2018

Money talks – and journalism is no exception.

On Monday, Columbia Journalism School announced that digital media expert Raju Narisetti will serve as a full-time faculty member in two capacities: Professor of Professional Practice…

Julia A. Seymour | June 4, 2018

The “booming jobs market” got very different treatment from each of the three broadcast networks as unemployment dropped to 3.8 percent.

While ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows all reported the “stronger than expected…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | June 1, 2018

Facebook unveiled new features on Friday in order to commemorate Pride Month, which is dedicated to celebrating gay pride. In the post discussing the features, Facebook bragged about the ability of posts on the site to “change hearts and…

Gabriel Hays | June 1, 2018

Once again, Twitter’s public safety bureau has slipped up in its charade of making the internet safer for free speech. The platform’s recent censorship of gun-rights activist Kaitlin Bennett (while overlooking death threats against…