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Ashley Rae Goldenberg | August 16, 2018

In response to the increasing criticism over his handling of the site, Twitter CEO Dorsey has conducted an array of interviews about Twitter’s future, which reportedly includes putting “alternative viewpoints” in users’…

Rachel Peterson | August 16, 2018

The environmentalists’ drive to limit plastic usage could impact your next celebration.

After launching a crusade and petitions to ban plastic straws (harming disabled people who actually require them), environmentalists aren’…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | August 15, 2018

A little over a week after Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey diverged from other tech giants by stating that Alex Jones would be held to the same standard as every other account, rather than succumbing Twitter succumbing to outside pressure to ban him,…

Julia A. Seymour | August 15, 2018

The economy may look good now, but hold off on the “confetti,” says left-wing Salon.

While some people look for silver linings, Salon went in search of economic storm clouds on Aug. 12. It’s headline proclaimed, “…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | August 15, 2018

On Tuesday, Twitter announced vague plans to crack down on accounts that have attempted to evade Twitter suspensions by creating new accounts.

In a tweet posted by Twitter Safety, the company said, “This week, we are suspending…

Corinne Weaver | August 14, 2018

In its overzealous policing of thought, Twitter has now picked a side on war and peace, apparently.

On August 13’s episode of Tucker Carlson Tonight, Peter Van Buren, a former State Department employee, told Carlson that he was…

Julia A. Seymour | August 13, 2018

After already committing $110 million to his midterm efforts, California billionaire Tom Steyer said he would spend even more to turn out liberal voters in November.

At a Lansing, Mich., town hall on Aug. 13, Steyer announced he would…

Corinne Weaver | August 13, 2018

The media thinks that the biggest problem with social media sites is that they aren’t doing enough to spread liberal propaganda and squelch conservative thought.

In a piece by the New York Times on Tuesday, Cecilia Kang wrote…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | August 13, 2018

On Friday, Facebook announced a new policy that will require Facebook Pages with large U.S.-based audiences to go through an authentication process. According to Facebook, this will help crack down on fake accounts.

As Facebook explained…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | August 10, 2018

Facebook is ironically blocking links from people who try to share the website, as the site contains links to blueprints for 3D printed guns.

After a long legal battle, the U.S. Department of State settled with…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | August 9, 2018

Just a day after Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said Twitter did not suspend Alex Jones’ account because he has not violated the site’s rules, Twitter indicated that evolving rules might be used against him.

In an email sent to…

Corinne Weaver | August 9, 2018

YouTube has decided that its viewers and content creators are only allowed to believe what they decide is right — especially when it comes to climate change.

As reported by BuzzFeed, the video platform has begun “combating…

Matt Philbin | August 8, 2018

Reporters are really good at worrying about the standards of other people’s professions. Their own? Maybe not so much. Take Washington Post reporter Joel Achenbach, who tells readers “Researchers are supposed to have what is known as…

Julia A. Seymour | August 8, 2018

California is burning. Multiple wildfires are claiming lives and property and the smoke is so bad, even Yosemite had to be evacuated.

News outlets should be reporting all the factors that contributed to the terrible fires and not…

Corinne Weaver | August 7, 2018

In the running war against freedom of speech, tech companies have started to take down extremist content.

Infowars and Alex Jones were banned from at least Facebook, Apple Podcasts, YouTube and Spotify. They were not banned for conspiracy…

Julia A. Seymour | August 6, 2018

Forget the good economy. That’s what one network did as ABC World News Tonight chose to ignore the news of 157,000 jobs added and 3.9 percent unemployment on Aug. 3. The broadcast networks took three very different approaches to covering…

Corinne Weaver | August 2, 2018

Twitter’s fight with  conservatives has gotten so bad that politicians want to do something about it.

On the Ingraham Angle, on July 31, House Majority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) spoke about Twitter’s shadowbanning…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | August 2, 2018

Amidst allegations of shadowbanning conservatives, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey sat down for an interview with Fox News Radio’s Guy Benson. During the conversation, Dorsey portrayed Twitter’s “conversational health” initiative…

Julia A. Seymour | August 2, 2018

HuffPost says baby boomers panicked by the popularity of socialism, just need to “relax.”

Senior political economy reporter Zach Carter declared “Socialism is Good Now,” on HuffPost July 29. At the same time,…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | August 1, 2018

Google is reportedly considering launching a search engine in China in compliance with censorship demands by the government, according to a report in The Intercept.

The Intercept report claims project Dragonfly has been around since last…