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Corinne Weaver | September 12, 2018

The media don’t  care about online censorship -- unless it happens to them.

The liberal site ThinkProgress cried foul after it was fact checked for a story it posted on Facebook involving Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.…

NB Staff | September 12, 2018

RESTON, VA – Today, the Media Research Center (MRC) said Congress must hold hearings to investigate Google for possibly trying to fix the presidential election following a bombshell report by Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Monday night. The…

Corinne Weaver | September 12, 2018

After a bombshell report was dropped by Tucker Carlson and Breitbart about Google using its influence in the 2016 elections, conservatives have major concerns.

On America’s Newsroom, House Representative Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told…

Julia A. Seymour | September 11, 2018

Hurricane Florence is heading towards the Carolinas as a Category 4 hurricane — but media hype is making a bad situation even worse. Journalists are already pushing climate change and fantasizing about creating a new category of hurricanes…

Corinne Weaver | September 11, 2018

In 2016, some at Google allegedly realized that it had “political power” and tried to flex it against President Trump.

An exclusive report broken by Fox News’ Tucker Carlson on his show, Tucker Carlson Tonight,  …

Julia A. Seymour | September 10, 2018

Tesla CEO Elon Musk acting strangely and smoking marijuana took priority over an good economic update on jobs. Six times more.

ABC, CBS and NBC evening news programs on Sept. 7, spent more than 6 times as much of those broadcasts…

Corinne Weaver | September 10, 2018

Google’s approach to hate speech is heavy-handed to say the least.


Google Play Store, the app store for Android cell phones, recently decided to crack down on its hate-speech policy. Recently,, a social…

Corinne Weaver | September 10, 2018

Apparently questioning someone’s intelligence counts as hate speech.  Twitter has decided to crack down on just that (but only when conservatives do it.) On Sept., CIA security contractor Kris Paranto was suspended from Twitter for…

Julia A. Seymour | September 7, 2018

Authoritarian governments are known for having a boot on the neck of freedom. CNBC’s on air editor Rick Santelli said the Obama administration had a "boot on business."

Santelli was rumbling with former Obama official and…

Corinne Weaver | September 7, 2018

In an unsurprising reversal, Twitter decided to ban conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and InfoWars from its platform as of Sept. 6.


Citing instances that “violate our abusive behavior policy,” Twitter Safety announced that…

Gabriel Hays | September 6, 2018

On Wednesday, MRC’s Dan Gainor appeared alongside tech expert Lance Ulanoff on Fox Business’ After the Bell to discuss Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s testimony before Congress. At the hearing the Dorsey denied any allegations that…

Corinne Weaver | September 6, 2018

Big tech companies have been trying to say that they don’t favor one political ideology over another. But their users don’t agree.


An Axios poll, released on Sept. 6, showed that a large number of people…

Corinne Weaver | September 5, 2018

Denial might be a river in Egypt but today it looked an awful lot like the Potomac.

At the Energy and Commerce hearing about Twitter on Sept. 5, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey answered many questions about his platform, but one topic he…

Gabriel Hays | September 5, 2018

During Wednesday’s Senate hearing concerning foreign influence on social media platforms, Twitter founder and CEO Jack Dorsey stated that his goal in combating the proliferation of fake or misleading accounts was to amplify the voices of…

Corinne Weaver | September 5, 2018

It’s worth asking big tech companies whether they practice core American values on a global scale.

In the Sept. 5, Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on social media, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) asked Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and…

Julia A. Seymour | September 4, 2018

Apocalyptic screeds are hard to accept from people who hypocritically demand governmental action without making changes in their own lives.

But that never seems to stop entertainment elite.

Two hundred actors, musicians and…

Corinne Weaver | September 4, 2018

Wouldn’t it be nice if Twitter allowed people to see posts from everyone they followed in the order that things were posted?

On September 2, TwitterSafety, one of the many official accounts of Twitter, posted a tweet thread…

NB Staff | September 4, 2018

RESTON, VA — On August 31, Media Research Center founder and president Brent Bozell sent individual letters to House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR) and Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr (R-NC)…

Corinne Weaver | August 31, 2018

Twitter jumps on conservative content at the first opportunity. But how long does it take for the platform to remove actual threatening posts? If the target is conservative, the answer is too long.

On August 30, shortly after a memorial…

Corinne Weaver | August 31, 2018

A new study about Google News shows that while everyone gets the same results, five liberal news organizations “alone” made up 49 percent of the total recommendations from the respective experiments. The five were The New York…