CensorTrack Database

7,172 Documented Cases
207 207
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87 87
Cases Against Joe Biden (D)
35 35
Cases Against Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
31 31
Cases Against Libs of TikTok
20 20
Cases Against The Babylon Bee
7 7
Cases Against The Heritage Foundation
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Displaying 3521 - 3540 of 7172
N F Singh
Twitter censors user for tweet about transgenders in the military: A Twitter user tweeted the following: "trans is a disorder. Dude, people who have depression or are dependent on certain…
Daniel Lismore
Instagram removes artist's post in solidarity with Ukraine: Daniel Lismore, a self-described "London based artist [and] designer," according to his Twitter profile, made a post in solidarity with his…
Rhizome Field School
Twitter censors user for innocuous tweet: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of another user's censorship notice. The user had tweeted: "Just wrap it all in plastic and then do an immersion…
Twitter censors user for a sarcastic comment about gays in the military: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of another user's censorship notice. That user had tweeted: "We have got to make being…
Kyle Glen
Twitter locked a purported operator of @conflicts without explanation: Podcast host Kyle Glen, who is purportedly one of the operators of the Conflict News account, said he was locked out of his…
James Siegrist
Facebook restricts user's account for COVID-19 posts: A Facebook user told CensorTrack that his posts "will be moved lower in news feed for at least 90 days." The account was reportedly restricted…
Ukraine War Report
Twitter suspended Ukraine War Report account for unknown reasons: Twitter suspended Ukraine War Report (@UkrWarReport) which tweeted information on "the latest round of tensions between #Russia and #…
Oliver Alexander
Twitter locked Oliver Alexander out of his account for 12 hours and then later restored the account: Twitter locked the account of  Oliver Alexander, who is an analyst with open-source…
Sam Stagg
Twitter suspends an alleged neuroscientist for his comments on gender: Twitter suspended the account of Sam Stagg who, according to his Twitter profile, earned his "BSc Psychology and MSc…
Conflict News
Twitter 'permanently suspended' Conflict News account, rejected appeal, then later reversed its decision: Twitter suspended Conflict News, which has lately been posting almost exclusively on the…
TikTok removes clip of MRCTV's Reality Check with Brittany Hughes about how leftists use science for their agenda: In an episode of her show "Reality Check," MRCTV managing editor Brittany Hughes…
Facebook censors user for Jeffrey Dahmer joke meme: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of her Facebook censorship notice. The user posted a meme with a photo of Jeffrey Dahmer with text that read: "…
Just Facts
YouTube strikes at rigorously documented and authoritatively sourced video on face masks:  Just Facts, an organization dedicated to producing rigorously researched and documented information…
Sam Stagg
Twitter suspends an alleged neuroscientist for his comments on gender: Twitter suspended the account of Sam Stagg who, according to his Twitter profile, earned his "BSc Psychology and MSc…
Maajid Nawaz
Instagram censors British political commentator Maajid Nawaz: British anti-radical political commentator Maajid Nawaz noted that his Instagram account has been experiencing some censorship. He is…
Twitter suspended popular account for exposing alleged Russian disinformation: Twitter allegedly suspended a popular account monitoring the war in Ukraine, OSINTdefender, for a…
Josh Mandel
Facebook removes post about immigration from congressional candidate Josh Mandel: On February 3, Ohio Republican U.S. Senate candidate Josh Mandel posted a graphic that read "Veterans Before…
The Babylon Bee
Facebook removes Babylon Bee article for alleged "hate speech" seven weeks after it was posted: The satirical site The Babylon Bee posted an article on January 1 entitled "Trans Woman Breaks…
Alexander Simpson
Twitter censors user for comment about Putin prior to Ukraine invasion: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. He tweeted, ""You should slap putins wrist harder lol." According…
Chad Prather
Facebook restricted the account of Texas Republican gubernatorial candidate: Facebook put a hold on Texas Republican gubernatorial candidate Chad Prather's account and prevented him from posting or…