
Subreddit permanently bans user for abortion comment: The subreddit r/atheism permanently banned a user according to a purported screenshot shared by the user. The user responded to a post criticizing a Republican abortion ban bill. The user commented, "1: This wouldn't ever pass given who is in power at the moment. 2: This is an obvious Rino moment by Graham to sabotage the midterms in favor of the left, as he has been a pupet [sic] for the leftist establishment for a while now. 3: This would be a good thing if it was done by someone who wasn't bought and paid for by the extremist left that loves the idea of dismemberment and murder of unborn children. 4: Fuck anyone who supports abortion and what it's done to this nation and especially the black community."

The subreddit claimed the user's comment violated its rules against "trolling and bigotry." "Bodily autonomy is a fundamental human right," the moderator team told the user. "There is no non-bigoted way of advocating that this right be denied to half of the human race just because they happen to have been born with a uterus. No amount of 'please's [sic] or 'thank yous' will make this behaviour acceptable, and we are not interested in hearing any red herring arguments in support of it. For further information, please see Judith Jarvis Thomson's essay 'A Defence of Abortion' (1971), in which your argument has already been addressed and thoroughly refuted."

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