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TikTok removes clip of MRCTV's Reality Check with Brittany Hughes about how leftists use science for their agenda: In an episode of her show "Reality Check," MRCTV managing editor Brittany Hughes compared University of Pennsylvania transgender athlete Lia Thomas and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. “Both are stellar examples of how leftists will exploit science on the rare occasion that it suits their purposes, twists science to suit their purposes and then completely ignore science when they have no use for it,” she said. She later called out leftist elites more broadly. "You idiots ignore the science on everything from climate change, to unborn life, to COVID, to whether a man can become a woman simply because he puts on a pair of size 14 Jimmy Choos and some lip gloss," said Hughes. "You still think a piece of gas station poly blend is going to stop the world's most contagious flu bug and that a 6 foot 2 dude in drag should be able to pound the stuffing out of some poor girl in an MMA ring and that's somehow a step forward for women rights? You are morons." TikTok removed the video for alleged “harassment and bullying,” and the appeals page would not load so the removal could not be appealed, according to screenshots.

UPDATE: MRCTV was able to load an appeal to TikTok but the platform rejected its appeal.

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