Michelle Malkin

YouTube deletes episode of journalist Michelle Malkin's 'Malkin Live' from her channel, Suspends Malkin for a week: Michelle Malkin alerted her audience on Twitter that YouTube had deleted an episode of her show "Malkin Live," which had been uploaded months ago to the video-sharing platform. "Interviewing moms who support religious/philosophical exemptions from vax mandates is FORBIDDEN," Malkin wrote sarcastically in a tweet that contained a screenshot of the notice of deletion YouTube sent to Malkin. In the notice, YouTube stated that Malkin's video was in violation of the platform's "medical misinformation policy," which doesn't allow claims about COVID-19 vaccines that "contradict expert consensus from local health authorities or the World Health Organization." Also in her tweet, Malkin implored her audience to go to an alternative video sharing website called BitChute to view the episodes of her show that YouTube has deleted. "The purge of my YouTube #MalkinLive shows is underway," she said. "Go to @bitchute for my back-ups, incl. this one from June 2020 that just got banned this morning." Malkin appealed YouTube's decision to levy a strike against her channel as a result of the deleted video, but YouTube quickly denied it. As a result, Malkin has been suspended for a week from uploading new content. "One warning, one strike issued by the gatekeepers," Malkin responded in a tweet. "Banned from posting for a week. Can't even upload pickleball videos. Deplatforming is imminent."         

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