Joe 'Pags' Pagliarulo
Case #

Facebook attempts to dissuade users from liking page of conservative talk radio host: Facebook has implemented a warning label that attempts to discourage users from liking nationally syndicated talk radio host Joe "Pags" Pagliarulo's page. "[H]ey @Facebook when someone tries to like my page.. they now get this warning," Pags tweeted next to a screenshot of the warning that says his page has repeatedly shared false information. "Name the 'repeated false information' I've shared or are you asking for a lawsuit? you don't get defame or libel me. Start explaining or lose the warning!" TechWatch performed its own analysis of Pags's "like" button and received a similar warning. "When you like a Page, you'll see updates from it in your News Feed. You may want to review Joe Pags to see the types of content it usually shares," the warning read. "More and more ppl are being censored or flagged as misleading without Big Tech (FB, Twitter, Amazon) even telling them what they’ve done," tweeted former Fox News host Megyn Kelly in reference to Pags's warning label. "It can be next to impossible to reverse. Where is the due process? Or even semblance of fairness?"

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