Hoeg Law

Video discussing Section 230 liability protections deleted from YouTube: Richard Hoeg is the managing partner of The Hoeg Law Firm, PLLC. He also operates the Hoeg Law YouTube channel where he makes videos discussing business and legal issues related to tech, media, intellectual property, culture and more. A six month old video on Hoeg's channel that offered a legal analysis of Big Tech's censorship was deleted from YouTube for violating the platform's policy on harassment and bullying. The video discussed whether or not Big Tech has acted appropriately in censoring its users – as a matter of debate – and whether or not strategically the actions Big Tech has taken make sense in a regulatory environment in which regulators are looking to potentially change the liability shield that internet platforms enjoy. "Hey @TeamYouTube, are you kidding me with this?" Hoeg tweeted in frustration following the removal of his video. "You struck and issued a violation for legal analysis regarding Big Tech censorship and its implications for CDA 230 debates, as 'targeted harassment'? I have appealed, but I expect this to be rectified immediately." While Team YouTube did respond to Hoeg's tweet, besides reminding him about the appeal process it did not provide any useful information about why the video was removed. Hoeg made a new video about his deleted content titled "Ironic! YouTube Censors Our Legal Video...on Tech Censorship (VL394)," which discusses Hoeg's trouble with YouTube in more detail.        

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