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The anti-free speech Biden administration continues to coordinate with Communist Chinese government-tied TikTok as it tries to convince Americans that the economy is not in crisis.

The Washington Post asserted in a Nov. 24 piece that the White House Office of Digital Strategy has to combat “exaggerated examples” of inflation harms caused by Bidenomics. As one example, The Post cited a video that went viral online that revealed a $16 specialty meal at McDonald’s. The outlet noted that the Biden administration, which is pursuing what MRC’s Dan Schneider calls a second “Biden in the Basement” presidential campaign, is coordinating with TikTok for pro-Bidenomics content. The Biden administration continues to work with TikTok influencers, despite the app’s ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

The Post specifically mentioned the president’s campaign in partnership with TikTok. “The White House official said the administration is working with TikTok creators to tell positive stories of Biden’s economic stewardship, while also working with social media platforms to counter misinformation,” the outlet noted. A Beijing company owned by three state entities in China maintains a board seat and owns a financial stake in TikTok’s parent company ByteDance. 

“The Biden administration has no shame,” said MRC Free Speech America VP Schneider. “While giving lip service to the need to be cautious about CCP-backed TikTok, Biden is using government resources to finance his re-election campaign, all centered on using TikTok to get his voters energized.”

The Post fear-mongered about supposed “misleading” information while simultaneously misleading its own readers and asserting that inflation has been “steadily subsiding.” The truth is that inflation is still increasing—just at an (allegedly) slower rate than before. Certain items like bread are still seeing skyrocketing inflation, as CNSNews recently highlighted. “The average Big Mac nationally as of this summer cost $5.58, up from $4.89 — or roughly 70 cents — before Biden took office,” the Post lectured. The outlet did not admit that prices vary depending on location. In Arizona, for instance (hardly the most expensive state), a Big Mac is currently more than $7 and the meal is over $13. In October, MRC Business reported that prices were more than 17 percent higher on average since President Joe Biden first took office.

TikTok “abounds with misleading or inaccurate information about the economy,” the Post accused, but it did not mention bipartisan national security concerns about the app. Multiple experts told MRC Free Speech America this year that TikTok presents serious national security risks. Fox News China expert Gordon Chang mentioned one key issue: “The 2017 national intelligence law of China articles 7 and 14 require every Chinese entity to spy if demanded.” That would include TikTok’s parent company ByteDance.

While the Biden administration campaigns using TikTok, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) recently called for a ban on TikTok, labeling the app a “propaganda machine.”

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